While reducing sugar can decrease the risk of cavities, studies show a surprising amount of benefits behind chewing gum. Moreover, dental care gum is a fantastic way to stay healthy without avoiding your chewing fix. Even chewing regular gum for 20 minutes after meals can prevent tooth decay, studies show, and dental care gum has far more to offer.


Chewing dental gum increases the mouth’s saliva output, which washes away harmful bacteria, food and other debris. While tooth decay is difficult to pin down, it doesn’t pop up overnight. Chewing gum can effectively neutralize the mouth’s bacteria, healthily providing disease-fighting substances. Additionally, the increased saliva flow carries much-needed phosphates and calcium to the teeth—strengthening enamel while brushing away residue. Studies show chewing any sugar-free gum following a meal or snack reduces and neutralizes the acids released in plaque bacteria. Your teeth can even be fully cleaned by chewing gum—though gum chewing shouldn’t replace day-to-day brushing. Dental care gum carries another benefit: xylitol. Any gum sweetened with xylitol inhibits Streptococcus growth, protecting the mouth and throat. Streptococcus, one of the leading cavity-causing bacteria, can be avoided with the repeat introduction of xylitol. Xylitol makes it difficult for bacteria to harm to a tooth, stunting future growth and the cavity-causing process entirely. When chewed over time, dental care gum can ensure the stunted growth of many decay-causing bacteria.


While most dental gums are effective, you should prioritize gum with an ADA Seal. ADA Seals are given to completely sugarless gum, and they’re an industry standard across dental hygiene gums. Any gum with an ADA Seal is sweetened by the above-mentioned chemical, xylitol, while utilizing other ingredients like mannitol and sorbitol. Sugar-containing gum, meanwhile, will still boost your mouth’s saliva flow. Unfortunately, the sugar alone will increase the amount of decay-causing acids generated by surrounding plaque. While further research needs to be completed to discuss the positive impacts of sugar-containing gum, sugar-free gum is widely supported as a healthy alternative. Again, you shouldn’t chew dental care gum to replace flossing, brushing or using mouthwash. Sugar-free gum isn’t a cleanliness substitute, and the ADA recommends brushing at least twice a day with fluoride-containing toothpaste, floss and mouthwash to reduce plaque. In many causes, plaque between teeth can’t be removed without these cleaners. That said, an ADA-accepted product is an excellent addition to any individual’s dental health stack.


Dental hygiene gum is incredibly safe. In fact, any dangers associated with sugar-free gum are due to minimal chemical amounts. In general, chewing gum carries far more benefits than risks. Gum chewers who repeatedly chew sugar-free gum often benefit from better breath, fewer cavities and reduced risks of gingivitis. Those repeatedly chewing sugar-containing gum, however, may carry a higher risk of tooth decay development. Really, the only dangers of gum chewing are, again, replacing regular tooth care with it. Even sugar-free gum isn’t a viable oral routine substitute. Additionally, you should refrain from chewing any gum if you experience tooth, jaw or face pain. While chewing gum rarely aggravates preexisting dental conditions, it can certainly help with the identification of cavities and other problems. If you’re ever in a position where you’re unable to brush, floss or use mouthwash, chewing dental care gum won’t hurt. Just don’t make it a habit. Several studies even support the use of dental gum in these cases—as long as the individual doesn’t develop an over-reliance.

When it comes to using dental care gum, most products are equal. Whether you’re looking for new dental options or simply want to be cleaner, dental gum is always an option. It’s cheap, too, and it can be purchased in most pharmacies. As the dental industry grows, we’ll likely experience new, stronger types of dental gum. While xylitol will likely be used for a long time, it isn’t unreasonable to consider the implementation of new chemicals as the world of dental hygiene grows. For now, keep some dental gum on you. If you can, ditch any sugar-containing gum you have, too. At the end of the day, sugar-containing gum can be as bad as candy, health-wise, and should be avoided when possible. Ask your dental provider about dental gum, and see which options work best with your situation. Every patient is different, as are each person’s dental concerns. While dental gum is incredible tame to cavities, recovering mouths and teeth with corrosion issues, it may not be for everybody—Dobson Ranch Dental Care can help you choose the best option.



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